Sure Foundation BHS is based on the belief that each of our consumers are unique people with a unique purpose and in need of person center services. Our customers' needs are of the up most importance. Our entire team is experienced and committed to meeting those needs. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service possible.

We hope we can help you move from a place of struggle to a place of victory in you life's journey. Sure Foundation BHS is a Premier Community Service Agency, focused on restoring stability in the lives of the people we serve. We are committed to providing high-quality service to our clients and community.
Sure Foundation DWI Services focused is to provide premiere quality service and customer satisfaction. We bring more than 20 years of Substance Abuse Counseling and Mental Health Professional experience. We strive to do everything we can to meet your expectations. We provide DWI Assessments, ADETS, Short-Term & Long-Term Treatment and Out of State Reviews.
Sure Foundation BHS outpatient-counseling service is provide by our professional staff through individual, family, couples and group counseling in a safe comfortable and private setting. In addition to assessing out clients and developing a treatment plan for each individual with mental health and /or substance abuse issues, services include but not limited to addressing, depression, stress, anxiety, anger management, addiction and grief.
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