Welcome to Riverfront Dental LLC, where a scenic view of the Willamette River welcomes you to a positive dental experience that will surpass all of your expectations. Located in Salem, Oregon, we are a family-oriented dental practice that provides excellent dentistry in a relaxing environment.
From general dental treatments to protect your smile and repair tooth decay to cosmetic transformations that help you achieve the smile of your dreams, we work hard to provide the services you need.Your comfort and smile are at the heart of what our dental team strives to offer, combining friendly service with the highest standards of dentistry.
From general dental treatments to protect your smile and repair tooth decay to cosmetic transformations that help you achieve the smile of your dreams, we work hard to provide the services you need.Your comfort and smile are at the heart of what our dental team strives to offer, combining friendly service with the highest standards of dentistry.
Our entire dental team at Riverfront Dental LLC is fully committed to offering expert dental solutions for your entire family. We provide general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and specialized dental restorations, such as crowns, bridges, and dental implants. Our skilled dentist, Dr. Howe will work with you to determine which treatments are best for your smile.
Have you ever wondered what your smile could look like after treatment? We encourage you to browse through our gallery below. These photographs highlight some of the smile transformations our patients have experienced at Riverfront Dental LLC. To learn more about our dental treatments and to schedule your appointment with Dr. Howe, our talented dentist in Salem, Oregon, we encourage you to call our dental office today.
At Riverfront Dental LLC, we understand the importance of a beautiful smile and how it can impact your life. To help you live with more confidence and joy, we offer multiple cosmetic treatments to achieve a more beautiful, attractive smile. Cosmetic dentistry in Salem, Oregon is one of the most popular branches of dentistry available, and we utilize the skill and expertise of Dr. Howe, to transform your smile.
Dental implants are a perfect solution for anyone who is missing one or more teeth. Our preferred method of tooth replacement at Riverfront Dental LLC, dental implants are a surgical treatment designed to restore your smile's natural look, feel, and functionality. Because dental implants are one of our more involved treatments, Dr. Howe will carefully examine your smile and determine if dental implants are best for you.
To restore your smile to its pearly white sheen, consider having your teeth whitened through one of our whitening treatments. Over time, your teeth naturally become yellow and dark. Our preferred method of teeth whitening in Salem, Oregon is custom-made plastic trays to be used at home. This allows our patients full control over their teeth whitening results.