Argos Engineering
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Dr. Pratt is an expert in the design and fabrication of aerospace and industrial fasteners, latches and mechanisms. Argos Engineering was established to provide litigation consulting and structural engineering services.

With more than 40 years of aerospace and industrial engineering experience, Argos Engineering is uniquely positioned to provide failure analysis, accident investigation, numerical modeling, and product development services to diverse industries.Finite element modeling with advanced code from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) enables comprehensive analysis of static and dynamic events.
Because of his structural analysis expertise Dr. Pratt is able to serve as an expert in a diverse range of industries, including sports equipment and automotive, aerospace and industrial products. Having worked in and developed products for these industries contributes significantly to his effectiveness.
Through Argos Engineering, John D. Pratt provides new product development consulting for the Aerospace Fastener and Aircraft Interiors industries, as well as litigation consulting in the areas of mechanisms, latches and fasteners.

Before retiring as an aerospace industry executive in 2005, Dr. Pratt co-invented and led the development of the post-9/11 secure (terrorist-proof) cockpit door decompression latches now installed on half the world's fleet of aircraft.Previously Dr. Pratt invented and commercialized the first viable blind fastening system for laminated composites.
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