Boss Hog's Painting has over 14 years of experience in residential & commercial property painting. We complete our jobs in a timely and efficent manner with the highest quality of paints and service in mind. We provide interior house painting services! Impress your friends, family and with a fresh, professionally finished interior paint job for your living space.
We Specialize in servicing the demands of apartment property managers and have been on the job for years. Don't leave your prospective tenants unimpressed. Get the units painted, and have them ready for the showing. Costs vary based on square footage, paint, labor, experience, and even milage to a location.
We Specialize in servicing the demands of apartment property managers and have been on the job for years. Don't leave your prospective tenants unimpressed. Get the units painted, and have them ready for the showing. Costs vary based on square footage, paint, labor, experience, and even milage to a location.
Reviews (1)
Eric Rosenberg
May 23, 2018