Apotek Pharmacy was formed in 2008 with the goal of providing fast and friendly service to the community we serve. Our staff speaks fluent Spanish and understands that communication is paramount to great service. We thank you for selecting Apotek Pharmacy as your neighborhood pharmacy. We look forward to seeing you again.
We offer several different products to help you fend off the cold, flu and other issues. We have products that treat coughs, sore throats, sinusitis, allergies, fevers, ear aches and much more. We carry both Brand name and Generic Drugs and can get you the specific prescription you need on-time everytime.
We offer several different products to help you fend off the cold, flu and other issues. We have products that treat coughs, sore throats, sinusitis, allergies, fevers, ear aches and much more. We carry both Brand name and Generic Drugs and can get you the specific prescription you need on-time everytime.