Wang's Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic
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Jeffrey (Ji Fei) Wang, L.Ac.& CH. and wife Mary (Qing) Ren, L.Ac & CH. are a team of highly skilled Professional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Experts. Our team of specialists has over 30 years experience as successful Clinical Practitioners in China and the U.S. Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing that was developed as part of the traditional medicine of China, Japan and other Eastern countries.

Its spread to the West has been relatively slow but steady, and in recent years acupuncture has found increasing acceptance in Western medical practice, particularly in pain relief. The practice of acupuncture began with the discovery that stimulation of specific areas on the skin affects the functioning of certain organs of the body.
Acupuncture (ah-q-punk-sher) is based on the principle that life forces move through the body in specific paths. These paths are called meridians (mer-ih-d-uns). With acupuncture, a needle is put into the meridian that runs to the area where you have pain. This needle blocks the meridian which stops or lessens the pain.
Combining massage with herbal medicine has great benefits. Massage can enhance and speed up the action of herbal remedies. Our hands can detect a wealth of diagnostic information, and touch adds a deeply compassionate level to the act of healing. Furthermore the liniments, oils etc. used in massage provide an additional channel for herbs to work.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a widely misunderstood illness. It has been difficult to diagnose and difficult to detect by Western medical technology. Sometimes a blood test for Epstein Barr Virus can help identify it, but the most identifiable features of the illness are listed below, plus the cyclical nature of the illness.
Depression can be quite debilitating. Prolonged feelings of sadness, discouragement, and hopelessness greatly affect the quality of life. All of us at one time or another have experienced some form of depression. It is a healthy response to overwhelming events in our lives. When we are balanced, physically and mentally, we can easily bounce back from a depressed state, and continue on with our normal lives.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs is a traditional natural approach for women to help with weight loss around the abdomen and reduce the abdomen size in ancient China. 1. Acupuncture: Applying acupuncture needles to special points and meridians on the body to regulate the function of Sp. and St., distribute and transport the damp-phlegm.
Reviews (1)
Aneeta Uppal
Aneeta Uppal
May 02, 2021
As a research scientist, I was quite skeptical of acupuncture. But my mom convinced me to give it a shot. Since going it's helped heal my lower back pain as well as my allergies. I never thought i'd find so much relief from it! highly recommend.