Keller Williams Realty
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As the real estate industry evolves and changes(and it is)-We are working to update and refine our role, as we seek new ways to add value to our customers. To do this, we focus on things we can do to help clients obtain their objectives. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. From here you can search for property in your area and get a market report of recently sold homes.

My business ties me strongly to my valued clients and my goal is to continue to extend you a level of service and attention that is not dependent on whether you are prepared to do a transaction. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you and have designed my site to provide you, as a homeowner, valuable resources that can assist you in your goals, hobbies, and living.
I know that buying or selling a home is one of the most important things you will ever do, and I want to help make that experience as smooth and successful as possible. My extensive experience and expertise in the Stafford, Spotsylvania, Fairfax, and Prince William, King George real estate market will benefit you whether you are looking to buy or sell a home in the area.
The MLS stands for Multiple Listing Service. The MLS systems are governed by private entities, and the rules are set by those entities with no state or federal oversight, beyond any individual state rules regarding real estate. MLS systems set their own rules for membership, access, and sharing of information, but are subject to nationwide rules laid down by NAR (National Association of Realtors).
We do not participate in dual agency. When you hire All Patriots Realty to sell your home it is our responsibility to promote and protect your interests. We cannot do that if we are trying to negotiate for the buyer as well?! The only person in the transaction that benefits from dual agency is the real estate agent/company.
Selling your home is a complex transaction that takes time, effort and expertise. It takes a real estate professional - ME! As your agent, I will work for you and with you throughout the home selling process. It is my job to help you sell your home with minimum delay, and to help you realize every dollar its worth.
However, houses that don't sell in the first month often remain on the market for months and months and usually don't sell until significant price adjustments have been made. There are many factors which impact how long it will take to sell your home. The condition of your home, it's location, market conditions and the price are usually the most significant.
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