Riverwood Massage is your one-stop massage facility that specializes in neck, shoulder, and back pain relief. Using proven techniques we release tension, tightness, adhesions, and pain. These techniques have been proven to bring relief of chronic pain and get you back to living life without ailments.
Cupping will help you release harmful toxins from your body and stimulate fresh blood flow. The application of gentle, sustained pressure to the myofascial tissue that helps eliminate pain and restore movement. Massage has been utilized to release tension and relax the muscles, reduce the appearance and development of wrinkles.
Cupping will help you release harmful toxins from your body and stimulate fresh blood flow. The application of gentle, sustained pressure to the myofascial tissue that helps eliminate pain and restore movement. Massage has been utilized to release tension and relax the muscles, reduce the appearance and development of wrinkles.
Riverwood Massage was founded by our licensed massage therapist to provide relief to clients suffering with chronic pain and stress. We understand that regular massage can be an essential stress relief in these increasingly stress-filled times. Massage has been known to help improve circulation, boost immune system functioning, and release old stress patterns.