IPM has worked hard to earn its reputation as a problem-solving paperboard brokerage company-a reputation earned with more than twenty years of demonstrated performance. We are the supplier of choice for some of the most demanding paperboard converters in the U.S. We represent suppliers who focus on the most basic business principles: honoring commitments, providing quality products, building long-term relationships, and constantly innovating.
This website will answer some general questions about who we are and what we do, and we hope that it leads to an opportunity for one of our sales representatives to discuss your specific needs. Independent Paperboard Marketing was formed in 1994, but its roots stretch back to the 19th century when Charles LaBoiteaux started a paper brokerage company in Cincinnati, Ohio.
This website will answer some general questions about who we are and what we do, and we hope that it leads to an opportunity for one of our sales representatives to discuss your specific needs. Independent Paperboard Marketing was formed in 1994, but its roots stretch back to the 19th century when Charles LaBoiteaux started a paper brokerage company in Cincinnati, Ohio.
One of the areas where we pride ourselves is in our relationships with our customers. We are professionals at our job and we expect nothing but the best from our sales force. Our IPM sales representative will stop at nothing to enhance your bottom line, whether it is through just-in-time delivery, product warehousing, or finding the best paperboard solution to enhance your product and process.
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