Ancar Painting Contractors
Transform any room of your home with a fresh coat of paint. If the sun has faded your exterior siding, let us restore your home's color with Benjamin Moore environmentally safe paint. In the ten+ years we have been using Felix of Ancar Painting, we have found him to be consistently reliable, considerate, clean and neat - in addition to his workmanship being exceptional!

He has painted for us both inside and out, has patiently helped us to decide on shades of color, and has always been a pleasure to have around the house. While most people dread having painting done, we can't say that. Felix makes the process easy and always are most concerned with ensuring his customer's satisfaction.
Painting your living room or any other room is deceptively difficult. You might think it's just putting paint on the wall, but much more goes into transforming a room. Before you can even begin to paint, you need to properly tape woodwork and windows, move furniture, and make sure the floor is covered in case of spills.
Painting the exterior of your home involves much more than paint and a ladder. In order for the paint to apply properly, you need to make sure the exterior is clean and free of debris including sea salt, mildew, dirt, and discoloration so that paint adheres properly.

Let us repair any light damage to your home's exterior prior to painting including sanding, filling any holes, caulking for an air-tight seal, prime coat and 2 coats of interior premium paint.We cover all plants, trees, shrubs and walkways. After the prep work is done, we'll apply two coats of paint to bring the curb appeal back to your home.
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