Our experienced team of consultants keeps your facility up to date on all pharmacy related Survey needs. Automated dispensing units at your facility to help eliminate timely acute medication needs. Reducing medpass time and increases resident medication adherence at your facility and through discharge.
Online communication, documents, delivery tracking and ordering allows your nurses to quickly interact with our pharmacy. It will be more difficult to get Sensipar (~$32 / pill) covered by part D for your custodial residents. Please work through your High Cost Med Report. Multi-dose packaging offers your medications delivered to your home in an easy tear package separated out by time and date.
Online communication, documents, delivery tracking and ordering allows your nurses to quickly interact with our pharmacy. It will be more difficult to get Sensipar (~$32 / pill) covered by part D for your custodial residents. Please work through your High Cost Med Report. Multi-dose packaging offers your medications delivered to your home in an easy tear package separated out by time and date.
Post-Acute Care is changing rapidly due to a growing senior population combined with Medicare reform. Serving a larger, more demanding senior population, the needs of post-acute care has increased. At SCRx pharmacy, we are collecting feedback and looking at every aspect of our business to find ways to better serve our senior population.
SCRx is working to make the gap between pharmacy and facility much smaller. At SCRx we are working to streamline medication management; but we're nowhere near finished. Our greatest accomplishments are still waiting for you to build them. We've got a pretty broad vision for where we want to head next, and because we have a relatively small team, you'll be owning ideas from the start.