No matter how you found us, the important thing right now is for you to find out why our schools are the number one martial arts academies in Madison and Osgood. One of the most unique benefits of taking martial arts lessons at Taylor's Taekwondo Academy is that you'll be training as a family. You see, like you we believe in strong family values.
That's why we encourage our members to enroll and train as a family. This results in a more enjoyable training experience, and provides a way for the family to spend time together doing something everyone loves. Even the Owners and Instructors of Taylor's Tae Kwon Do Academies are Family. Grand Master Jerry Taylor 8th Degree Black Belt Kukkiwon Certified and his son Master Denver Taylor 5th Degree Black Belt Kukkiwon Certified.
That's why we encourage our members to enroll and train as a family. This results in a more enjoyable training experience, and provides a way for the family to spend time together doing something everyone loves. Even the Owners and Instructors of Taylor's Tae Kwon Do Academies are Family. Grand Master Jerry Taylor 8th Degree Black Belt Kukkiwon Certified and his son Master Denver Taylor 5th Degree Black Belt Kukkiwon Certified.
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For You
Nov 05, 2018