Chiropractic treatment is recognized by insurance companies as a successful method of treatment that relieves back and neck pain. Doctor Benoit began practicing at Greenfield Chiropractic in 1985 with a commitment to providing compassionate care of the highest quality. A graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Missouri, Doctor Benoit primarily uses diversified technique to treat patient injuries and misalignment of the spine.
Over the past 28 years, Dr. Benoit has treated thousands of patients for a variety of skeletal complaints including whiplash; auto accident injuries; industrial injuries, sprains and strains, as well as, aches and pains from everyday activities.
Over the past 28 years, Dr. Benoit has treated thousands of patients for a variety of skeletal complaints including whiplash; auto accident injuries; industrial injuries, sprains and strains, as well as, aches and pains from everyday activities.