The chemists and engineers at Silver Anvil Engineering have been recovering metals from solutions for the last 45 years. Silver Anvil Engineering processes Karat gold and silver which are melted into bars for marketing. Silver Anvil specializes in identifying and solving problems in the mining, mineral processing, circuit board, chemical process industries.
We use specialized engineering techniques that employ common sense, hydrometallurgical, and industry proven techniques. We also find and refurbish equipment used in these industries. Silver Anvil Engineering is located at 5362 Dahlia Street in Commerce City, Colorado - just off Hwy 270 and Vasquez.
We use specialized engineering techniques that employ common sense, hydrometallurgical, and industry proven techniques. We also find and refurbish equipment used in these industries. Silver Anvil Engineering is located at 5362 Dahlia Street in Commerce City, Colorado - just off Hwy 270 and Vasquez.
Silver Anvil Engineering was formed in 1978 after an evening consulting project to recover silver from photographic and jewelry wastes expanded beyond the time available for Roger C. Neuscheler to moonlight from his regular job at a large engineering company.
The future of the new Silver Anvil Engineering Corporation was cemented by a successful sale of silver slag that another company hired us to clean up after the original company failed to properly smelt a silver concentrate.That slag sale financed our first building. Designed a water pre-treatment system for a metal cleaning company, built the equipment, installed it and started up the system.
The future of the new Silver Anvil Engineering Corporation was cemented by a successful sale of silver slag that another company hired us to clean up after the original company failed to properly smelt a silver concentrate.That slag sale financed our first building. Designed a water pre-treatment system for a metal cleaning company, built the equipment, installed it and started up the system.
The chemists and engineers at Silver Anvil Engineering have been recovering metals from solutions for the last 45 years. It all started when Roger observed silver bearing fixer being discarded from a photographic lab. He started by recovering silver by using iron replacement with steel wool. Because of the problems of smelting the silver replaced iron wool, he shifted to electro-winning the silver from solution using direct current.
Silver Anvil receives and processes minerals, mineral concentrates, industrial waste products that contain precious metals, and other resources that may contain precious or recyclable metals. In all cases, the incoming material is first received, assigned a work order number, weighed, and evaluated to define the recovery process that we will use.
Silver Anvil Engineering processes Karat gold and silver which are melted into bars for marketing. Materials containing less than 10% metal that also contain combustibles are burned in our licensed incinerator, the ashes collected, and smelted with fluxes in our melting furnace to concentrate the metal.
Silver Anvil has processed computers for the last 2 decades. We used to use a power chisel to remove the gold bearing components from the boards and then discard the depopulated boards to the trash.
When the EPA classified computer boards that were trashed as a hazardous waste, we found that it was more economical to prepare the boards by removing the non-precious metal bearing items and shipping the prepared boards to a third-party for metal recovery.In this way, we obtain credit for silver, gold, platinum group metals, and copper.
When the EPA classified computer boards that were trashed as a hazardous waste, we found that it was more economical to prepare the boards by removing the non-precious metal bearing items and shipping the prepared boards to a third-party for metal recovery.In this way, we obtain credit for silver, gold, platinum group metals, and copper.