We aren't just a 9 to 5 business. We support our customers even after hours. We are small town girls who understand rural businesses and how to connect with them. We are close with the businesses we work with in learning their goals and helping them to reach them. We have specialized experience working with the agriculture community in regards to online presence and what agriculture machinery customers are looking for online.
We spent 7 years A/B testing and researching the agriculture market. We know the best online strategies that work for agriculture businesses. We are a small company so we are able to offer personalized, one on one services. We have lots of back and forth communication if desired. We respond to your customers online often times in real time - it's never a robot!
We spent 7 years A/B testing and researching the agriculture market. We know the best online strategies that work for agriculture businesses. We are a small company so we are able to offer personalized, one on one services. We have lots of back and forth communication if desired. We respond to your customers online often times in real time - it's never a robot!