Southland Park Learning Center is a Type III licensed facility that is academically approved under the Louisiana Department of Education. Southland Park Learning Center serves families throughout south Shreveport/Caddo and the North Desoto community. Southland Park Learning Center's mission is to provide a high quality early childhood educational environment that promotes and ensures the health and safety of each child through developmentally appropriate practices with quality instruction, mentoring and guidance.
Dress Up Fun Days (Hippie Day, Hawaiian Day, Disney Day, Crazy Hair Day, Pajama Day, etc.) Fieldtrips throughout the year to: Hot Wheels, Bayou Bounce, Walter B. Jacobs, Sciport, Local Library, Local Fire station, Gators and Friends, Jubilee Zoo, Build A Bear, Betty Virginia Park, Southern Hills Park, Cici's Pizza, etc.
Southland Park Learning Center has an open door policy and would prefer all prospective parents and children to have a center tour. Children are accepted on a first come, first serve basis, provided all other requirements are met. In the event that a class is full, a child will be place upon a waiting list.
Our staff is interviewed and references checked prior to employment. Each staff member is given a staff manual to read at the time of employment, so they are aware of our expectations. We feel a competency to work well with children is the most important prerequisite a staff member can have. After an applicant is selected to become a staff member at Southland Park, their six week training and probationary period begins.
Please let us know if you will not need our bus service for your child on a particular day. Southland Park Learning Center's mission is to provide a high quality early childhood educational environment that promotes and ensures the health and safety of each child through developmentally appropriate practices with quality instruction, mentoring and guidance.
Southland Park's toddler program provides an active, yet safe, loving and nurturing environment where our children can grow and learn. Our teachers provide positive social interactions through play. The children participate in nursery rhymes, lullabies, puppetry, musical exploration, speech, vocabulary, and literature.