As with the order, children under 10 and those with medical conditions prohibiting them from wearing masks are exempt. Of course, we will be wearing masks as well. Please speak with your counselor if you have any questions or concerns. We will continue to offer telehealth, as we have throughout the pandemic, for those who prefer it.
As weather and personal preference allows, we can also utilize the outdoors for sessions provided we have appropriate social distancing. This pandemic won't last forever, but if we can honor each other by keeping each other as safe as possible, we can end it sooner. God's peace and love be with you all.
As weather and personal preference allows, we can also utilize the outdoors for sessions provided we have appropriate social distancing. This pandemic won't last forever, but if we can honor each other by keeping each other as safe as possible, we can end it sooner. God's peace and love be with you all.
Brenda is a full time counselor and director of the Center. She is a native of Logan County. She received her undergraduate degree through Miami University and her Master of Social Work degree through Ohio State. She and her husband, Jim, have two married adult daughters, three young granddaughters and a young grandson.
All information shared in a counseling session will be held in the strictest of confidence, except when the law requires us to do otherwise. We will use Biblically sound information and prayer to support the client through the recovery process. We believe that God will do far more than we could ever do to provide healing to our clients, so we will encourage a strengthened relationship with God.
In your first session, your therapist will gather information about the problem you are experiencing and about relevant personal history. Each therapist has their own approach, but we are all committed to providing quality, effective services and treating you with the dignity and care you deserve as a fellow child of God.