If you have Federal Student Loans you may qualify for many of the student loan forgiveness programs that are available via the Department of Education. If you are suffering from a financial hardship, you may be eligible for an Income Based Payment plan depending on your situation. Loan consolidation will take all your federal student loans and combine them into one new loan.
You will have only one (or two) loan with one lender. The U.S. Department of Education has created many programs that millions of borrowers fail to take advantage of. Millions of unclaimed benefits go unused because the public is either unaware or have found it difficult to navigate and gain access to programs that are specifically set aside for student loan borrowers.
You will have only one (or two) loan with one lender. The U.S. Department of Education has created many programs that millions of borrowers fail to take advantage of. Millions of unclaimed benefits go unused because the public is either unaware or have found it difficult to navigate and gain access to programs that are specifically set aside for student loan borrowers.
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