An internationally acclaimed method of assessment, classification and treatment of spinal and extremity pain. Acupuncture is a natural way to treat painful musculoskeletal conditions, without the use of medication or surgery. Most commonly, acupuncture is used for neck pain, back pain and joint pain.
Acupuncture works by stimulating the nervous system. Athletes are prone to musculoskeletal injuries, whether the sport is football, skiing, snowboarding, or jogging, tennis and cycling. Chiropractic care provides treatment to aid in sports injury rehab. Rehabilitation effectively helps treat the pain and injuries that commonly occur in sports such as sprains, strains, dislocations, and tendinitis.
Acupuncture works by stimulating the nervous system. Athletes are prone to musculoskeletal injuries, whether the sport is football, skiing, snowboarding, or jogging, tennis and cycling. Chiropractic care provides treatment to aid in sports injury rehab. Rehabilitation effectively helps treat the pain and injuries that commonly occur in sports such as sprains, strains, dislocations, and tendinitis.
At Distano Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, we take an evidence-based approach to musculoskeletal pain. We incorporate the latest scientific research in the fields of pain neuroscience, physical rehabilitation, and orthopedic manual therapy with our clinical experience. This approach allows us to evaluate and manage our patients with the highest level of clinical expertise.
A high velocity (high speed) / low amplitude (small motion) therapy used to decrease pain and improve range of motion which often produces the familiar "audible crack/pop" typically referred to as a chiropractic adjustment. Although safe and effective, this type of manual therapy technique is rarely needed in most cases.
Dr. Anthony Distano specializes in chiropractic and sports injury, post surgical and orthopedic physical rehabilitation. With his extensive knowledge and training in the field of rehabilitation combined with his training as a chiropractic physician, he is able to evaluate and manage patients with musculoskeletal pain from a unique perspective of not only a chiropractor but a rehabilitation specialist.
Reviews (10)
Fanny V.
Aug 16, 2021
Aldina Da Costa
Jun 01, 2021
I have been a patient of Distano Chiropractic and Rehabilitation for many years for different reasons. Most recently was when I fractured my right elbow back in February 2021. My orthopedic send me for physical therapy and I decided to see Dr. Anthony, best decision. He was very professional and patient with me. He helped to return to my normal mobility without pain.
His staff Pat and Grace are very friendly, always checking to make sure that you are doing your exercises correctly or if you are ok.
I highly recommend Distano Chiropractic and Rehabilitation.
His staff Pat and Grace are very friendly, always checking to make sure that you are doing your exercises correctly or if you are ok.
I highly recommend Distano Chiropractic and Rehabilitation.
Dana Coleman
Dec 20, 2020
Dr. Nicole Distano helped my daughter tremendously. She started seeing her due to fluid in her ear. I’ll admit I was skeptical at first that this could help her because I had never heard about it before. My daughter’s speech therapist felt the fluid was affecting the quality of her hearing. She suggested trying a chiropractor after our pediatrician was strongly opposed to tubes since she technically passed a hearing test, and she wasn’t getting infections. We gave this a shot, and I’m so glad we did. Nicole is so knowledgeable and professional, and she was able to help my daughter. After
Michael Viccica
Nov 28, 2020
Everyone there is so helpful and considerate and compassionate. Ive been seeing Dr. Nicole for a couple of months now, and she is so professional and caring. Every time i go i always feel refreshed afterwards. Since going Ive been sleeping better, and the tension in my back is no where near compared to when before starting the adjustments! Grace and Patty at the front desk are so accommodating and pleasant to see and talk to as well. When i missed a session for a severe leg injury, they were so compassionate and understanding helping me with scheduling the following visit. I could not ask for a
Noah Ramadan
Nov 22, 2020
Distano Chiropractic is nothing short of a blessing for any and everyone. They display the utmost professionalism and have a caring and competent staff. I’ve been receiving treatment for a meniscus tear and thanks to the physical therapy routine given to me by Anthony Distano I’ve seen an increase in my mobility and range of motion.
Marisa Shauger
Oct 14, 2020
After having shoulder surgery 2 years ago, I was still having a lot of upper back and neck pain. Dr. Anthony has helped me immensely through the treatment and showing me at home exercises to do. After just 4 weeks, I am feeling so much better and can do things I have not been able to do in a while. The entire office staff is always welcoming! I am so happy that I started going to Distano Chiropractic and Rehabilitation.
Danny Steen
Aug 24, 2020
Melissa Gomes
Jul 01, 2020
My husband has been going to Distano Chiropractic & Rehabilitation since December after a neck surgery and has been improving excellent. We really appreciate everything that Anthony and staff has done to make my husband’s improvement successful. Dr. Anthony , Dr. Nicole, Patty and Grace makes us feel comfortable, welcomed and treats us like family. We really highly recommend!!!!
Thank you for everything 😊👍🏻
Thank you for everything 😊👍🏻
Erin McCarthy
May 30, 2020
Dr. Anthony and Dr. Nicole are two of the nicest people who truly care about their patients. Their office is always impeccably clean and their office staff is always so attentive as well. I have gone to them for several issues and have always left feeling confident that I would be back in the gym in no time feeling brand new. I was living with a back pain for years before being introduced to Distano Chiropractic and have since then not had any pain in that area!! I trust them fully and always leave there with new things to implement into my training and everyday life in order to reduce the possibility
Sandra Mims
Dec 05, 2019
I have been a devoted jogger for 40 years. When a stubborn injury disrupted my jogging, I took my doctor’s advice to see Dr. Anthony Distano. In the initial consultation Dr. Distano properly assessed my problem and formulated the successful plan to healing. This included specific exercises that strengthened and improved the support of the muscles around the injury. I did these in addition to instructional walking and soon later jogging. I kept track of the pain level which was part of the strategy to a healthy and efficient recovery. Following this, I finished a half marathon. Recently I found