Massage therapy originated thousands of years ago and has been popular ever since. Think about your first reaction when you hurt yourself-you rub the area and apply pressure. Massage is an instinctual response to pain and also to provide comfort, and has been used universally for as long as there have been human beings.
There is written evidence of its use in ancient China, Japan, India, and Greece dated as far back as 2700 B.C. Massage therapy involves the use of touch. A therapist will apply various types of pressures, strokes, and movements with their hands, forearms, elbows, and occasionally feet to manipulate, relax, and stimulate the soft tissues.
There is written evidence of its use in ancient China, Japan, India, and Greece dated as far back as 2700 B.C. Massage therapy involves the use of touch. A therapist will apply various types of pressures, strokes, and movements with their hands, forearms, elbows, and occasionally feet to manipulate, relax, and stimulate the soft tissues.
The most important person behind massage is the massage therapist. Highly trained and specialized in the art of healing and massage, they provide relief to clients all over the world. However, a therapist must learn many techniques in order to excel in this profession. The role of the massage therapist begins with the right training.
Massage therapy techniques provide relief and relaxation throughout the body. Designed to release muscle tension and stress, massage is great for anyone experiencing back pain, muscle strain, tense leg pain, and overall body aches. Considered the oldest form of medical therapy for the body, massage therapy has integrated into every society as a way of living healthy.
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