Since 1987 Fehrman Orthodontics has provided Schofield, Mosinee, and Tomahawk, WI families the best in comprehensive orthodontic care, in a relaxed, family-friendly environment that pays close attention to individual patient needs. Patients trust Dr. Dennis Fehrman and Dr. Jennifer Fehrman Roloff for accurate diagnoses, a full explanation of treatment options and concerns, and individualized care.
We have the highest degree of respect for that trust and are pleased to provide the professional level of care that patients have come to expect from our office. We offer a full complement of the latest in child and adult orthodontic braces that give you straighter teeth, enhance your looks, and help you maintain better dental health - all with flexible payment options.
We have the highest degree of respect for that trust and are pleased to provide the professional level of care that patients have come to expect from our office. We offer a full complement of the latest in child and adult orthodontic braces that give you straighter teeth, enhance your looks, and help you maintain better dental health - all with flexible payment options.
Annie joined us in 1999 and is Fehrman Orthodontic's lead assistant. We are very fortunate to have her as a part of our team. She always has a smile for everyone and has developed an outstanding rapport with all of our patients! Annie is married with two daughters. She enjoys the beautiful Wisconsin seasons, and spending time with her family.
Since 1987 I have had the honor to practice orthodontics, which has been a blessing. It's not only been fulfilling on a professional and intellectual level, but on a personal one as well. I've gotten to know so many patients and their families over the years, and have gotten great satisfaction in helping create their smiles and improve their self-esteem and confidence.
I feel so fortunate to have been able to enter this profession, and return home to join my father in practice. Our office feels like home - we are a family here, and treat every patient as such. We are proud to offer the very best treatment to every patient who walks through our doors. Each person's smile is unique only to them, and I love helping them create that aspect of themselves.
Dr. Dennis Fehrman and Dr. Jennifer Roloff are specially trained to provide the highest level of orthodontic treatment for a wide range of orthodontic needs, and they do it with understanding, compassion, and an unmatched level of care. At Fehrman Orthodontics, we take the time to analyze your mouth and jaw to formulate a treatment plan and recommend the best treatment solutions that will give you a smile that you deserve.
It is estimated that 20% of all American children are living with moderate to severe malocclusions (crooked teeth and misaligned jaws). Many come from working families living in poverty. Without assistance, these children will not receive the treatment they need. Smiles Change Lives (SCL) serves kids who suffer from the social, emotional, and physical repercussions of dental deformities such as missing, broken and impacted teeth.