Home contaminants create stress among some family members not fully understanding the severe reactions of their loved ones. Some people get use to the smells in their home, office or vehicle and do not recognize the escalating issues. For others, health issues can eventually become irreversible.
Mold and bacteria are microscopic, poisonous mycotoxins that attack: organs, blood, sinuses, lungs, digestive system, brain, joints, skin, eyes, emotions and other system of your body.Asthma is the one of the top reasons children go to the emergency room. Mold slows down medical treatments; causes time off work; loss of energy; insomnia; depression and shortens your life.
Mold and bacteria are microscopic, poisonous mycotoxins that attack: organs, blood, sinuses, lungs, digestive system, brain, joints, skin, eyes, emotions and other system of your body.Asthma is the one of the top reasons children go to the emergency room. Mold slows down medical treatments; causes time off work; loss of energy; insomnia; depression and shortens your life.
This impressive process stands out is due to the fact it is NOT a temporary fix, but a real cure to re-establish healthy air throughout the entire structure. Mold & Bacteria slowly devour bodies and homes in the same manner it decays fresh produce. In fact, mold is so invasive, it will eat into concrete.
The Mold Gone 4 Good Odor Elimination process demonstrates how far we've come. Now, Odors from animals, fire, mildew, crime scenes, and other difficult situations are easily destroyed with our environmental air purification service. The infection exposure of these situations is also neutralized. Home furnishings and cloth tainted with fire or even sewage odor, in most cases can now be saved.
In any indoor environment, it's not a question of if mold exists but rather, how much mold exists. Granted, every home of office has its share of mold and bacteria, but many harbor levels that are not just unsafe, but often detrimental to the well being of all of its inhabitants. There has been a lot of media coverage lately relating to "sick building syndrome", and as funny as it sounds, it really explains the problem accurately.
What are the primary concerns of mold infestation? Mold exists in all structures, virtually everywhere, floating in the air and on all surfaces. Many building materials such as wood, sheetrock, etc. provide the "food" that can support mold growth. Even dust that has settled on these materials or furniture can be a food source for molds.
The first naturopath I visited, Dr. Winston Cardwell, was the first doctor to ask if we had had any water damage in our home. A simple, profound question capable of truly uncovering a toxic, major cause of my 52+ symptoms. I then interviewed several mold remediation companies; none guaranteed success.
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