John Motley utilizes a powerful combination of Oriental Medicine modalities including: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tuina Massage, Foot Reflexology, Medical Qigong, and Reiki. Acupuncture is a time-tested system of medicine which takes a holistic approach to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. Acupuncture works to restore balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
John Motley L.Ac specializes in treating a wide variety of health concerns with Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Life changing for me. I went to see John after years of chronic back and neck pain. Pain meds were not helping - only making matters worse. I started to fear that nothing would ever help my pain.
John Motley L.Ac specializes in treating a wide variety of health concerns with Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Life changing for me. I went to see John after years of chronic back and neck pain. Pain meds were not helping - only making matters worse. I started to fear that nothing would ever help my pain.
Acupuncture and Tuina Massage are excellent treatments for stress and damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. At the beginning of your treatment, John will perform Orthopedic tests including the assessment of joint range of motion, postural evaluation, and individual muscle tests.
This will help to accurately diagnose and differentiate the injury to identify a strain, sprain, tendonitis, bursitis, or many other musculoskeletal injuries that affect the professional athlete and "weekend warriors" alike.In addition to Acupuncture, John may recommend stretches and exercises, dietary modifications, Chinese herbal formulas and herbal liniments.
This will help to accurately diagnose and differentiate the injury to identify a strain, sprain, tendonitis, bursitis, or many other musculoskeletal injuries that affect the professional athlete and "weekend warriors" alike.In addition to Acupuncture, John may recommend stretches and exercises, dietary modifications, Chinese herbal formulas and herbal liniments.
John Motley, L.Ac is proud to offer safe, drug-free health care alternatives for Maui families. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can be very effective at treating both acute and chronic conditions in kids. It is common for a young patient to respond very quickly to pediatric acupuncture and show marked improvement in other aspects of their daily lives.
Many modern cosmetic procedures, like plastic surgery, lasers and injections, come with risks, side effects and lengthy recovery time. Cosmetic Acupuncture is an excellent choice if you desire a healthy and safe alternative with POSITIVE SIDE EFFECTS. John Motley, L.Ac carries NEFELI herbal skin care products which complement the results of Cosmetic Acupuncture.
John Motley currently accepts most insurance plans including: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Hawaii HMSA, Kaiser, HMAA, UHA, American Speciality Health Network (ASHN), and all auto insurances. It is important to note policies vary and it must be verified that your particular plan has acupuncture benefits.
We look forward to working with you on your path to healing. Call (808) 268-0278 to schedule your appointment. New patients will need to fill out an intake form which will provide your medical history and contact information. All information provided will be held in strict confidence. A gown will be provided, or you may wear loose, comfortable clothing that can easily be rolled above your elbows and knees.
Reviews (1)
Dr. Steven Roushar
Jul 23, 2019