Our purpose is to help as many people as possible to obtain optimum health through natural means. Our hope is to teach our patients healthy lifestyle techniques so they can help themselves and others. Dr Dudley utilizes his chiropractic technique through Quantum Neurology (QN) where he uses a powerful system that can optimize your body's performance and healing.
Quantum Neurology is unique because its focus is on strengthening the Nervous System. Your Nervous System controls every muscle, organ and function in your body. For years, I meet patients who are dealing with chronic diseases or having difficulty sleeping for years and they are just "living" with it.
Quantum Neurology is unique because its focus is on strengthening the Nervous System. Your Nervous System controls every muscle, organ and function in your body. For years, I meet patients who are dealing with chronic diseases or having difficulty sleeping for years and they are just "living" with it.
Dr. Mark Dudley is a local chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner. He graduated from Parker University in 1995. Dr. Dudley specializes in Quantum Neurology which is a treatment designed to up regulate the nervous system in order to allow the body to fully express itself in health and wellness.
When people hear the word chiropractic they instantly assume the traditional, "snap, crackle, and pop".
At Dudley Medical & Wellness we take a different approach in spinal care, Dr. Dudley DC-QNCP whom specializes in Quantum Neurology uses an instrument called an Activator where he is able to move your bones 200 times faster than your muscles are able to respond and another tool called an ArthoStim where he is able to deliver quick, low force impulse to spinal joints with the goal of restoring motion.
At Dudley Medical & Wellness we take a different approach in spinal care, Dr. Dudley DC-QNCP whom specializes in Quantum Neurology uses an instrument called an Activator where he is able to move your bones 200 times faster than your muscles are able to respond and another tool called an ArthoStim where he is able to deliver quick, low force impulse to spinal joints with the goal of restoring motion.
Offering services that treat a variety of pain symptoms and chronic disease including Lyme disease, chronic fatigue states, chemical sensitivity, auto-immune diseases, and Crohn's disease. Disorders from autism to cancer to arthritis. Also emotional symptoms such as anxiety and depression. The most common symptom individuals experience daily is stress.
Benefits of stabilizing the pelvis and spine so then it allows the glutes to turn on and improve performance and prevent injuries in the lower back region and knees. This stretch "opens" up the thoracic spinal region (upper back) to provide stretching and mobility as a majority of individuals are constantly hunched over due to work or daily routines.
As a licensed professional Chiropractor, Dr. Dudley aims to offer adequate complimentary health classes that you can utilize in your daily life. He is highly committed to offering high quality care to the Salt Lake City community. It's taken him years of hard work to get where he is today, to the point where he can say your health is in good hands.
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