Since 1997, Littleton Chiropractor Dr. Tod McDaniel has provided natural care to the people in our community. Whether you've been suffering from headaches for years, have had multiple back surgeries, or simply want to be able to stay well for the rest of your life, McDaniel Chiropractic is here to assist you.
As a part of your chiropractic care, Dr. McDaniel will create a specific exercise program that's appropriate for your condition. You'll also receive valuable nutrition advice and be able to attend our nutrition workshops. Added together, these elements can give you outstanding results! We also provide healing massage therapy on-site, which serves as a fantastic complement to chiropractic.
As a part of your chiropractic care, Dr. McDaniel will create a specific exercise program that's appropriate for your condition. You'll also receive valuable nutrition advice and be able to attend our nutrition workshops. Added together, these elements can give you outstanding results! We also provide healing massage therapy on-site, which serves as a fantastic complement to chiropractic.
Dr. Tod McDaniel grew up in a small-town Oklahoma farming community. Cattle and wheat were the farm's main products. After harvest season, Dr. McDaniel's father would say, "Let's get out of the heat." Their family would head to Colorado for a vacation then, as well as enjoy skiing in the winter.
These trips to Colorado as a child cemented it in Dr. McDaniel's head: one day, he would move to Colorado to enjoy its beauty and endless activities during all four seasons.After graduating from Parker University, Dr. McDaniel was a newlywed and ready to set up his own practice. He and his wife decided to move to Littleton.
These trips to Colorado as a child cemented it in Dr. McDaniel's head: one day, he would move to Colorado to enjoy its beauty and endless activities during all four seasons.After graduating from Parker University, Dr. McDaniel was a newlywed and ready to set up his own practice. He and his wife decided to move to Littleton.
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During Dr. McDaniel's high school years, he started suffering from recurring sinus infections. Every couple of months, he ended up in the doctor's office and would be put on antibiotics. This went on for a couple of years, remaining a constant battle in Dr. McDaniel's life. Though he visited numerous doctors, nobody could help.
At McDaniel Chiropractic, we are pleased to provide massage therapy in-house. You don't have to be a chiropractic patient to schedule a massage with us, though they go hand-in-hand to help you heal and feel well. If you're a patient with Dr. McDaniel, he'll inform you whether you can benefit from having massage therapy.
McDaniel Chiropractic is a comfortable place staffed by friendly people. At the front desk, Gina is waiting to greet you with a genuine smile on her face. She'll set you up with the necessary paperwork, which you can also fill out at home by downloading these forms from our website. After an office tour, you'll be ready to get started.
Reviews (2)
Dylan Lopez
Aug 06, 2020
A part of getting old is back pain, and a part of meaningfully addressing back pain is working with a professional. I’ve spent the past five years addressing my own injuries (typically with success), but there’s always a point that you get to where if you’re working too hard you should put it into somebody else’s hands and ask for help.
It’s hard for me to do. I don’t trust a lot of doctors. I have received bad medical advice before and throughout my life i’ve come to find they’re generally too expensive for what you get out of it. Chiropractic medicine
It’s hard for me to do. I don’t trust a lot of doctors. I have received bad medical advice before and throughout my life i’ve come to find they’re generally too expensive for what you get out of it. Chiropractic medicine
Bill Riordan
Jul 28, 2016