Tiny Giraffe Pictures is a New York-based creative production company, run by Daniel Sorochkin and Mitchell Lazar. At Tiny Giraffe Pictures, we specializes in creating high-end, story-driven content, tailored to any platform that can engage any audience.
Our creative content work includes commercials, branded content videos, social media content, photography, promotional videos, interviews and testimonials, short films, TV pilots, web series, music videos, landing page videos and more.We produce story-driven content that garners millions of views online, wins awards, and gets featured in major publications.
Our creative content work includes commercials, branded content videos, social media content, photography, promotional videos, interviews and testimonials, short films, TV pilots, web series, music videos, landing page videos and more.We produce story-driven content that garners millions of views online, wins awards, and gets featured in major publications.
Tiny Giraffe Pictures prides itself on creating high-end story driven content that engages viewers on any platform. Clients receive a personal experience with individualized attention and a dedicated staff that's on-hand through the step-by-step video production process. From Concept Development and Script Writing to Creative Direction and Project Management, we can consult for you and do the work it takes to get the production process moving.