Yeah, you read it right. This site is packed full and growing daily with free legal information that you can use to answer your questions about the law. From our tons of free content to our blog to our Q&A forum, we're a law firm that believes in helping you not need a lawyer. Think of it like preventative medicine.
Why pay a lawyer thousands to tell you what you can figure out for yourself? So browse all you want. If you never need us, we're glad we could help. Send us an email and tell us your success story. If you get to the end of all the free information and you still feel like you need more, it's probably time to consider hiring a lawyer.
Why pay a lawyer thousands to tell you what you can figure out for yourself? So browse all you want. If you never need us, we're glad we could help. Send us an email and tell us your success story. If you get to the end of all the free information and you still feel like you need more, it's probably time to consider hiring a lawyer.
Chris Doerfler came up from the workingman's world. He was on his own when he was 18 and put himself through college working in ditches. Building cabinets. Running a Bobcat. Tamping - if you've ever tamped, you know what we mean. That's work. Chris met a lot of people working those 14 hour days in the hot sun, and there's two things he learned.
Contact the Doerfler Law Firm at (608) 519-0459. Thank you for contacting us. We'll help if we can. The more complete your information, the easier it will be to answer your question. Or, just give us a call at (608) 519-0459 to schedule an appointment or speak with an attorney. We're here if you need us, but we'll leave that up to you.
A criminal charge is a real gut blow. There's cops saying you broke the law. You're in cuffs. You're going to jail. It's a really bad time to make a decision. But there you are, faced with one of the most important decisions of your life. Plead guilty to a criminal offense, mark your record for life.
While happy families have their own variety, Tolstoy's point is well-taken. An unhappy family situation tends to bring out the worst in people. And the old saying that no two people are alike takes a dark turn here. No two people will express their disappointment, anger, sadness at a faltering relationship in quite the same way.
OWI is the most common place for a law abiding person to find themselves in trouble with the criminal law. It's easy to see how it happens. You're out with friends. You have a few drinks. You don't feel particularly intoxicated, so you drive. You get pulled over for something else (and the later it gets at night, the more likely that is to happen), and the officer smells the alcohol on your breath.