Same day Auto Title Loans! Save time in the office and fill out our loan online application or if you have any questions, give us a call at (800) 445-9148. Currently serving California, Arizona and Idaho. Your title is collateral for us to lend you cash against. Some examples are Cars -Salvaged and Used, Motorcycles, Trucks, Boats, Commercial Vehicles, RVs and even planes.
A Car Title Loan allows you to get a personal loan today by letting us lend you money against your car. You keep your car and we become the lien holder on the title. To make this quick loan even faster, fill out the online application or give us a call at (800) 445-9148. We will tell you how much money we can lend against your car and what your monthly payments will be.
Q: My car was towed, can you help me get it out of impound? A: Yes, in most cases we can help! If the police have placed a 30 day hold on the vehicle, you must get everything with the DMV, City and Police cleared before we can help you take the car out of impound. Q: Is an Auto Title Loan better than a Payday Loan?
Reviews (2)
Mene T.
Sep 15, 2015
I needed a new car after my Toyota broke down and I saw that Moo loans specializes in car title loans. They were able to help me buy a car off Craigslist, which made it a lot less stressful on me. I didn't have the full amount (my car broke before payday and I needed a replacement fast) so Moo Loans lent me remaining $1,000. I applied online to see if I qualified and then they came out and inspected the car. 24 hours later I'm driving my new ride, (NOT A TOYOTA, haha) I'm very grateful that this was so !
Brooke H.
Sep 11, 2014
Moo Loans is a superb business to get your car title loan from. They'll work with just about any automotive you have a title for, regardless of bad credit. There are no fees or hidden charges involved in taking out the loan, which means you don't have to be nervous about a big financial set-back. Best of all, their loan officers are fast, delivering friendly service and generally making the entire business of taking out a title loan an enjoyable experience that you can feel good about. Coupling the excellent service with the company's convenient location in the heart of Phoenix