Functional Manual Therapy is a unique approach to physical therapy that addresses the body as an interconnected system. Treatment focuses on identifying and treating areas of dysfunction due to injury, inefficient posture, or compensations that may contribute to pain, decreased mobility, or degenerative changes.
Joints, soft tissues, nerves, and viscera are treated to restore optimum mobility and manual neuromuscular facilitation techniques are used to get the right muscles firing at the right time during specific functional movements. We only have one body to live the life we want to live. Discover how different your body can move and function with individual and personalized treatment from the Body Mechanic.
Joints, soft tissues, nerves, and viscera are treated to restore optimum mobility and manual neuromuscular facilitation techniques are used to get the right muscles firing at the right time during specific functional movements. We only have one body to live the life we want to live. Discover how different your body can move and function with individual and personalized treatment from the Body Mechanic.
The Body Mechanic believes that each individual's history writes a unique story related to injury, pain and function which makes it crucial to have your rehab tailored to your individual needs. My treatment approach focuses not only on understanding and treating your localized pain, but addressing the source of your pain based on your unique health history, work life, hobbies and sports.
Are you pregnant, wanting to get pregnant, or recently had a baby? The Body Mechanic offers treatment encompassing conditions arising before, during, and after pregnancy. Even though it may be COMMON to have pain during pregnancy; leakage, sneezing, or coughing post-pregnancy; or pain post-partum, this is not NORMAL.
How would your life be different if you didn't leak urine every time you tried to run, jump, or sneeze? What if abdominal soft tissue work could improve your chance of conception naturally or with IVF? What if you could improve your ability to keep exercising during pregnancy, optimize your bodies ability to give birth, all while allowing for an easier post-partum recovery?
I am out-of-network with insurances, but will give you a itemized receipt to submit to your insurance upon request. Most insurances reimburse between 60-80% of the out-of-network cost. Why am I out-of-network? Many insurance companies dictate how physical therapists are able to treat specific injuries.
Reviews (4)
Michael McCracken
Jul 24, 2020
Dr. McCracken is great at what she does. She keeps herself on the cutting edge of different types of care by regularly attending classes and seminars.
I first started seeing Dr. McCracken for wrist, back and neck pain. Through physical manipulation she was able to work miracles on my body.
If you have pain or are trying to maximize your physical performace in any way she is a must see.
I first started seeing Dr. McCracken for wrist, back and neck pain. Through physical manipulation she was able to work miracles on my body.
If you have pain or are trying to maximize your physical performace in any way she is a must see.
Scott Lovett
Jun 29, 2020
I feel so fortunate to have found the Body Mechanic as I am 70 and was about to quit golfing for good due to back problems caused by knee replacement surgery-Due to the work done by PJ I am almost pain free playing golf for the first time in 10 years -In addition PJ is so positive and knowledgeable in her trade and rightfully so as the results speak for themselves-Thanks PJ I am so fortunate to have found you!!!!
Maria Betts
Jul 24, 2019
I saw PJ for pain in my knees. Prior to working with her, I had been to another physical therapist and tried several other treatments for my knees with little success. PJ's approach of looking at the body as a structural system rather than just focusing on my knees made all the difference. I've had substantial pain relief and increased strength. I would highly recommend seeing PJ for any structural, pain or mobility issue you have.
Mary Wallace
May 28, 2019