The world's top factories use Lumi to make their capabilities available online, with no middleman. Make an informed decision about every supplier you choose with transparent pricing and detailed supplier profiles. With thousands of factories on Lumi, and more joining every day, it's easier than ever to consolidate your workflow.
With thousands of factories on Lumi, it's easy to compare options and make the best choice. Easily add alternate suppliers to reduce single points of failure in your supply chain. Choose sustainable materials, product and suppliers more easily. We bring together the best practices, tools, and data to help you make meaningful progress on sustainability.
With thousands of factories on Lumi, it's easy to compare options and make the best choice. Easily add alternate suppliers to reduce single points of failure in your supply chain. Choose sustainable materials, product and suppliers more easily. We bring together the best practices, tools, and data to help you make meaningful progress on sustainability.
Get complete transparency into the cost of your packaging, directly from the manufacturer. New suppliers are added every week, discoverable with powerful search and filtering tools. Ensure that every detail of your project is accurate before you enter production. Lumi standardizes the workflow for your suppliers to help you avoid errors before they occur.
Manage your suppliers with the full Lumi Platform, and immediately reduce packaging costs with direct access to more than 3,500 factories already on Lumi. Start your 30 day risk-free trial today. With Lumi you can work directly with thousands of factories to access better prices and more reliable service, with no markup.
From family-owned operations to the world's largest manufacturing groups, Lumi is used by suppliers of all sizes. Lumi connects you directly with customers that want to buy from you - whether they know it or not. Discuss quote requests, specs, and POs with customers directly using in-platform messaging.
Join our community of packaging agencies and freelancers. Whether you specialize in design, engineering, or logistics, great clients are looking to work with you on Lumi. As a Lumi Expert, you can bring your packaging experience to brands who are looking to update their packaging suite, create innovative designs, and make their supply chain more sustainable.
The new version of Lumi for Suppliers is now available and includes significant improvements for payments, user management and fulfillments. Let's dive in! You can now cancel fulfillments as long as the customer has not submitted payment on the associated invoice. This can be useful if you have accidentally submitted incorrect information, or a last minute change has been requested.
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