Color By Number was created through the collective efforts of Lisa McGowan and her uniquely talented team. Lisa has over twenty years of experience creating high-end, prestige comps for every area of the health and beauty industry. We provide the prices and attention to detail of a small company, with the technology of a large company.
We have created a studio to suit everyone's needs. We are an innovative full service 3-D comp and print shop in the heart of NYC's Garment District. Whether you need 1 piece or 100, we can accommodate your needs. If you don't already have your own design, our design team can assist in creating a custom logo or artistic custom design.
We have created a studio to suit everyone's needs. We are an innovative full service 3-D comp and print shop in the heart of NYC's Garment District. Whether you need 1 piece or 100, we can accommodate your needs. If you don't already have your own design, our design team can assist in creating a custom logo or artistic custom design.
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