Back Office Geeks can run your entire back office and provide desktop support to your staff. We employ tools that allow us to have visibility into your cloud based or office based back office infrastructure. In most cases, we can see a problem before it becomes one. We can also connect to your desktop from the cloud, help you solve problems without having to be on site.
This service can extend to mobile devices, if you need it. Are able to let you work anywhere on all of your devices (computers and mobile devices), and. We believe that today's cloud based applications offer more functionality, more security (not less as some believe), at a lower cost per seat than an in-house solution, if you take into consideration the cost of back room operations.
This service can extend to mobile devices, if you need it. Are able to let you work anywhere on all of your devices (computers and mobile devices), and. We believe that today's cloud based applications offer more functionality, more security (not less as some believe), at a lower cost per seat than an in-house solution, if you take into consideration the cost of back room operations.
Cloud POS solutions are proving to be at least as capable as in-store systems, and in many respects, less expensive. More than ever, retail operations are under pressure to modernize their online and in-store technology for customers. Back Office Geeks can help you down this path and provide the level of support that you need to sell to today's consumer.
All of these Geeky services are the foundation of all of the other services that you use, like email, printing, phones, file servers, and your applications. Our Geeks put these services in place or they can tune and improve those services that are already in place. After that, we can make sure that they run smoothly over time.
Back Office Geeks can connect to you wherever you are through your Internet connection to any of your devices. We can drive a solution to your problem from our keyboard to yours, with your permission. Most of the time, we can solve the problem within 15 minutes, and if it's just a simple question, there's no charge.
Establishing Backup and Disaster Recovery measures creates a baseline for the protection of your digital assets and network in the event of an attack or disaster. Backup Office Geeks can implement a number of different measures to satisfy your Disaster Recovery requirements, including solutions offered by Dropsuite, Veeam, Acronis, and Skykick.
We live in a time where hacking is a multibillion dollar global industry. And, as an industry, the methods that they use are often more advanced, or at least more persistent, that the counter measures employed by most small businesses. Establishing the potential risk of your organization to attacks or data compromise will help you determine how much time and money to devote to improving your security.
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