Thank you for using your precious time to visit this web site. Here you will find a bit of information and opportunities to attend programs that will increase your HQ (happiness quotient) as you experience a more vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart. My teenage interest in health turned into a passion and it has has never stopped growing through all these years.
When you care about people as I do, teaching becomes a natural avenue to share all that I continue to learn and apply in my own life. My great desire is to pass this on so others can experience more wellbeing on all levels. I began teaching Whole Food Cooking Classes in 1992 and have had the good fortune of professionally teaching yoga classes since 1994, though I've been doing yoga since 1971.
When you care about people as I do, teaching becomes a natural avenue to share all that I continue to learn and apply in my own life. My great desire is to pass this on so others can experience more wellbeing on all levels. I began teaching Whole Food Cooking Classes in 1992 and have had the good fortune of professionally teaching yoga classes since 1994, though I've been doing yoga since 1971.
Yoga is a 6,000 year-old comprehensive science, art and philosophy that has evolved many practices to work with the various levels of our being of body, mind and life-force or spirit. It's purpose is to bring us into harmony with all of existence. The word "yoga" comes from the root word that also gives us our word "yoke", which means to join together.
Yoga for Special Conditions classes consist of easy warm-ups and poses that are introduced at a slower pace than Level 1. This class is ideal for people with chronic symptoms such as illness, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, seniors, and people wanting to reclaim comfort and vitality. It is also appropriate for pregnancy and postpartum.
These words are what I aspire to and best describe for me how I feel when I am in my most optimum and balanced state. They point to all aspects of what I sense as my Whole Self, from the visible to the invisible of all that I AM. Since all of these "parts" are what I am experiencing now, from the physical to the non physical, they all need to be noticed, nurtured and understood.
My journey on the path of yoga began unexpectedly in 1971 when a friend's enthusiastic invitation brought me to a local yoga class in Bethlehem Pennsylvania where I lived at the time. Since I don''t remember much about the instructor, or about the class itself, I can only imagine how much my awareness and understanding of mySelf has grown throughout this time.
Gotta start somewhere, so you might as well start from where you are now. And starting small is a good start. It may sound like we're going in circles, but life is circular. Just look at the year - we cycle through the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons and we circle back to where we started from.
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