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Escott & Company, LLC provides professional auditing, accounting and tax services to businesses and individuals throughout Northeast Ohio. Contact us to find out more information about the financial services our firm can provide to you and your business. Selected tax news & resources to help find downloadable IRS forms and instructions, tax tools, guidance and important dates, as well as the latest news provided by

Our CPAs take pride in providing professional services to businesses and individuals including accounting, auditing and tax services, as well as special services and consultation. If you would like more information about tax and accounting services we provide please contact us. AICPA: The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is the National professional association for CPAs in the United States.
Find current and past years downloadable Forms, Instructions and Publications in PDF format. The IRS now uses social media tools to share the latest information on tax changes, initiatives, products and services. The IRS realigned its tax compliance organizations serving individual and small business taxpayers as planned.
Reviews (1)
Jessica M.
Jessica M.
Jun 09, 2018
Escott is the WORST company to have your taxes done. They are uniformed and make many mistakes and you'll be left paying the IRS thousands. They will not advise you in your best interest of your families. I'd advise you to steer clear of Al, Richard and Tracy at this organization. Their fees have gone up from $200 - $350 in three years. They are terrible, money hungry people. They will not assist you when you ask for copies of past years or otherwise. Use another an accountant!