Chehalem Acupuncture
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At the clinic my focus is in the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Acupuncture is an extremely effective, safe, and affordable way to bring a person from a state of dis-ease back to health. In my practice I utilize many different acupuncture techniques including Dr. Richard Tan's Balance Method, Master Tung's Acupuncture System, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Trigger Point Therapy.

These treatment styles are extremely powerful and often have immediate results. In many cases a patient's pain can be significantly reduced within minutes of inserting the needles. I accept all health insurance plans that cover acupuncture and offer competitive rates for time of service payments. Please call the clinic today to schedule an appointment for acupuncture.
Your first visit will begin with an in-depth assessment of your condition and an initial treatment. The intake and treatment will take one to one and a half hours. All follow-up treatments last one hour. During the assessment, you may be asked about things that you might not think are connected to your chief complaint, such as your digestion, energy level, emotions, sleeping patterns, and eating habits.
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