Your body is a self-regulating and self-healing organism. Adjustments affect the coordination and balance of the nervous system. At Hullman Family Chiropractic, we use the power of chiropractic to support the proper functioning of your body and its systems. Chiropractic is a safe form of health care that is drugless, non-invasive, and actively restores health.
We offer massage therapy as a way to release tight muscles and as a way to create more balance in your physical structure. Many of our patients receive the co-benefits of both massage therapy and chiropractic care. Health can be a journey; whether it is physical or mental, we strive to restore health and function.
We offer massage therapy as a way to release tight muscles and as a way to create more balance in your physical structure. Many of our patients receive the co-benefits of both massage therapy and chiropractic care. Health can be a journey; whether it is physical or mental, we strive to restore health and function.
Our approach towards Holistic Health includes chiropractic, massage, and nutritional consulting. Dr. Jay is passionate about the benefits of chiropractic care and enjoys taking care of the people who live in Northwest Lower Michigan. He uses a variety of adjusting techniques including: Gonstead, Pierce, Thompson, Diversified, and activator technique.
Sports chiropractic is unique sub-specialty of chiropractic focusing on medical issues that arise out of more intense physical activity. This in-depth knowledge improves the doctor's ability to diagnose and differentiate common sports injuries, but also formulate a more effective treatment plan if you are injured or to prevent future injury.
Reviews (1)
Ben Woodworth
Aug 28, 2016