JMC Wealth distinguishes itself from the competition by understanding that people distinctly differ in how they earn their money, spend their money, save their money, and invest their money. It's a relationship to money that is colored by unconscious triggers and personal idiosyncrasies. JMC Wealth not only understands this- they manage these variables to your advantage.
Your attitude towards your income, savings, investments, spending habits, and accumulated assets goes far beyond "risk tolerance." What Julie Marie Murphy discovered long ago in her own life-and built upon to create this personalized wealth management firm that bears her name-is that we all have pre-set notions about money that can sabotage us.
Your attitude towards your income, savings, investments, spending habits, and accumulated assets goes far beyond "risk tolerance." What Julie Marie Murphy discovered long ago in her own life-and built upon to create this personalized wealth management firm that bears her name-is that we all have pre-set notions about money that can sabotage us.
Over the course of my career, I discovered something that was never taught in business school: each of us has our own unique and personal relationship with money. It begins even before you get your first piggy bank and over the years it changes very little. It may evolve ever so slightly but for the most part, your feelings toward money are imprinted from birth.
For us, wealth management isn't just about investments and financial planning. No question, having the right investments in a well-balanced and appropriately allocated portfolio is important. At the same time, we believe that the way your assets are managed should directly reflect what you want out of life.
We all do what we can for those we love while we are alive. Part of how we honor those bonds of love and friendship-and show those individuals that they were a significant part of our lives-is by making sure that what we leave behind for them reflects our wishes and intentions. Legacy planning with our team begins with a strategy for the life you want to live right now and the one you desire for the future.
Reviews (1)
Billy Rapka
Dec 12, 2021