Nancy K is a licensed massage therapist and esthetician who has been specializing in medical massage for over eleven years. Every person is different and every body is different which is why Nancy completely tailors every treatment to each specific individual. Customized to your aches and pains, she develops a therapy to what you want and what you need.
Nancy is trained in relaxation therapy, deep tissue, reflexology, trigger point therapy, prenatal massage and cranial sinus relief therapy. Nancy is also a licensed esthetician, and whether you're looking for a custom facial or skin resurfacing, Nancy is able to expertly help with mature skin, sensitive skin and sun damaged skin.
Nancy is trained in relaxation therapy, deep tissue, reflexology, trigger point therapy, prenatal massage and cranial sinus relief therapy. Nancy is also a licensed esthetician, and whether you're looking for a custom facial or skin resurfacing, Nancy is able to expertly help with mature skin, sensitive skin and sun damaged skin.
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