Our principal consultant, Nick Zaharias, has experienced an award-winning career in marketing and fundraising, tallying over $110,000,000 in gifts, planned gifts, grants, and special event revenue. He has assisted many organizations including UConn, Choate Rosemary Hall, University of Hartford, Lawrence General Hospital, Cushing Academy, Tilton School, Elliot Health System, and more.
Put him on your team today! We offer affordable and reliable fundraising campaign counsel, marketing and website services, and interim staffing support. ADVANCEMENT ROI, LLC is a niche firm which can answer questions, provide guidance and strategy, and support your efforts. Our experts can support you hourly, or on a limited retainer, which works well for small organizations and nonprofits with limited resources.
Put him on your team today! We offer affordable and reliable fundraising campaign counsel, marketing and website services, and interim staffing support. ADVANCEMENT ROI, LLC is a niche firm which can answer questions, provide guidance and strategy, and support your efforts. Our experts can support you hourly, or on a limited retainer, which works well for small organizations and nonprofits with limited resources.
We limit the number of clients we work with at any given time so that projects are never delayed and deadlines are never missed. For example, our website clients are astounded with our responsiveness, with the majority of simple updates completed and published within one hour of request. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your return on investment, and how quickly we can get started.
ADVANCEMENT ROI, LLC has been great for our business! We turned over all of our advertising/marketing duties to the firm after being in business for 14 years. What a relief it has been to just concentrate on the business side of things and not have to worry about the marketing. And not to mention not having to worry if it will actually generate revenue (we've been down that road before as well).
Senior level development and marketing searches, if done right, take many months, and rightly so. You should not feel rushed to fill an open position when firms like ours can help your organization maintain momentum, support the current staff, make decisions, remain on call as issues arise, proof materials, and more, while the critical search is ongoing.