My office address is 1023 Kentucky Street, Lawrence, KS 66044. It has on-site parking (in the alley between Kentucky and Tennessee) and is fully accessible. I am a participating provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield. For other insurance plans, I can usually bill fees, with the client being responsible for the difference between the insurance payment and my full fee.
However, there are a few insurance companies will not pay me directly. If you have one of those, you will need to pay the full fee up front and turn in claims I provide you for reimbursement to you. Ask me if you don't have BCBS. I have recently added a new telehealth option (video sessions) for those who can't make it to the office due to health, distance or other reasons.
However, there are a few insurance companies will not pay me directly. If you have one of those, you will need to pay the full fee up front and turn in claims I provide you for reimbursement to you. Ask me if you don't have BCBS. I have recently added a new telehealth option (video sessions) for those who can't make it to the office due to health, distance or other reasons.
The office is located in downtown Lawrence. Parking is usually available in the alley between Kentucky and Tennessee, right behind the 1023 building. If that small lot is full, there is always parking on the street. The building entrances at the alley and from Kentucky are open when I am on site. If you come in from the alley entrance, the waiting room is right there as you enter.
In some of my posts I provide clinical examples to illustrate a point. It is important that readers understand that I have made examples that draw on a number of people's details. So nothing you read is actually about a specific person. Any identifiable details have been changed. Thus, even if you think you recognize a specific example--you don't!
For those living in Lawrence Kansas, if your life is in danger, please immediately call 911 or go to the Lawrence Memorial emergency room. The hospital is located at 325 Maine Street. If you are already my client, please try to reach me at 785-760-3952. However, I often cannot answer the phone immediately and sometimes do not hear my messages for a few hours if I am busy with other clients or at night when I am asleep.
Dr. Gilbert has over 20 years' experience in providing clinical consultation and supervision. She designed pre-licensure training programs at two agencies, and was responsible for post-licensure continuing education at three agencies. She served as primary supervisor for 1 to 5 therapists-in-training per year for over 20 years.
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