Lawn Ranger was started by Barry Ramaeker in 1986 and he continues to run it today-30 plus years experience! We are always available by phone or email to answer questions or sign you up for one of our quality services listed on the left. We are a hands on company that will still drive to your property to visit with you if needing a lawn problem solved.
We've dealt with many environmental problems that affect your lawn and if we don't know the answer right away we will certainly research the issue and get back to you. We always stay in contact with our product salesmen for the newest and best lawn products that will do the job right without sacrificing service.
We've dealt with many environmental problems that affect your lawn and if we don't know the answer right away we will certainly research the issue and get back to you. We always stay in contact with our product salesmen for the newest and best lawn products that will do the job right without sacrificing service.
Lawns will be cut any where from a 1-2 week period depending on the look you want to portray to your customers. Rough cuts will be determined by length of time between cuttings and the time involved. We have the right equipment that gets the job done. Lawn Ranger also does a soil sterilent program that eliminates grasses and weeds from coming up in fence lines and gravel areas.
Weeds compete with desirable lawn grasses for water, space, light and nutrients. They are very aggressive and can easily take over a lawn if not kept in check. Protect your investment with a customized weed control program that will help eliminate unsightly broadleaf weeds. Weed control combined with regular fertilization, proper mowing and correct watering practices will keep your grass thriving while weeds disappear.
This application is very essential to your lawns success as it is a complete balanced fertilizer with pre-emergent crabrass control. Crabgrass is one of those very ugly and fast spreading weeds that is #2 to the dreaded dandelion that you don't want in your yard! Very important to get the pre-emergent product applied in a timely matter.
With this treatment, we add additional pre emergence to extend the life of the crabgrass control. A liquid broad leaf control is applied at the same time eliminating weeds that have germinated since the last treatment. A special formulation of pelleted fertilizer, which will not increase growth, is applied to strengthen the above ground part of the grass plant preparing it for possible hot dry months ahead.
Weed control is applied with this treatment as needed. An additional application of dry pelleted fertilizer is put on to help your lawn fight off diseases, insects and other stress related problems such as heat and lack of rain. Keep in mind, lack of moisture and hot weather may turn your lawn brown which this is call a dormant stage.