Helping identify people with mental health and co-occurring disorders at the earliest possible criminal justice intercept and linking them to care to support them from re-offending. Training for school and law enforcement/emergency services personnel in Yavapai County to recognize signs and symptoms of mental illness and identify resources available for individuals with mental illness and/or substance abuse concerns.

Alternative method for low level offenders whose offense is related to substance abuse. The Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition values the opportunities that our supporting justice partners, service agencies and individual members offer to our community.
The Reach Out Initiative includes a team of stakeholders that cross over multiple systems, including mental health, substance abuse, law enforcement, pretrial services, courts, jails, community corrections, housing, health, social services, family members and many others. The goal is to improve cross-system collaborations to reduce involvement in the justice system by people with mental and substance abuse disorders.
Positive factors may lessen the likelihood of youth violence victimization or perpetration. Possession of affective relationships with those at school that are strong, close and pro-socially oriented. If you are having an emotional crisis or know someone who is at risk of physical harm, hurting themselves or someone else, call the Behavioral Health Crisis Hotline immediately.
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