Forgive me for being blunt, but when it comes to resolving a debt with the IRS; you can get in the bloody shark tank. Or. You can work with one of the Most Trusted Tax Professionals in the Houston, TX Area and in the State of Texas. When it comes to settling debts with government institutions, you can't afford to mess around - nor can you afford to get in bed with "sales rooms" masquerading as a professional tax office.
There's simply too much at stake. And there are too many landmines along the path. My name is Scott Terry, and I am a licensed CPA to represent you in front of the IRS, and have been doing so on behalf of clients (both local and national) now for years.
There's simply too much at stake. And there are too many landmines along the path. My name is Scott Terry, and I am a licensed CPA to represent you in front of the IRS, and have been doing so on behalf of clients (both local and national) now for years.
I am a CPA, Certified Tax Coach, and CEO of New Day Tax Resolution, Inc., where we help our clients solve their IRS tax problems once and for all! If you are getting nasty notices from the IRS, or if they are attacking your income or assets, you have come to the right place.
We will get your authorization to talk with the IRS on your behalf, get your tax history from the IRS, collect some financial information from you, and evaluate your settlement options.We will get you caught up with your IRS obligations. This generally involves filing old tax returns and getting up to date with current year tax obligations.
We will get your authorization to talk with the IRS on your behalf, get your tax history from the IRS, collect some financial information from you, and evaluate your settlement options.We will get you caught up with your IRS obligations. This generally involves filing old tax returns and getting up to date with current year tax obligations.
TST provided the best accounting and consulting services I have experienced. Scott Terry's extensive accounting and financial experience gives him the ability to see his clients' needs from more than simply accounting and numbers. Scott takes a long view of a client's financial goals-whether personal or business-he does not simply churn out annual tax returns or prepare financial statements.
10 million tax payers missed out on a chance to get a bigger refund last year simply because they neglected to fill out one line on their tax return. Will you miss a similar opportunity this year? Today's tax laws are increasingly complicated and the rules for deductions and credits change year by year.
Making Mistakes on Your Payroll Taxes is Guaranteed to Turn Uncle Sam's Eyes in Your Direction!. In the world of taxes, the biggest sin is failing to pay your payroll taxes. Penalties for failure to pay or delinquency in filing payroll tax returns are more severe than almost any other tax penalty. FYI - If you aren't paying your company's payroll taxes, you are stealing money that belongs to your employees according to the government.
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