Drawing upon management's three decades of experience in the refining and electronics recycling industry, M&K offers a unique suite of asset recovery services. Core competencies include reverse logistics, IT asset and electronic waste disposition, remarketing, electronics recycling, precious metals refining, and data destruction.
M & K Recovery Group is an R2:2013 certified, veteran-owned small business providing precious metal refining and electronics recycling services with operations in Amesbury, Massachusetts and Austin, Texas. Management's refining, recycling and reclamation expertise spans 35 years, and includes experience with both U.S. and European facilities.
M & K Recovery Group is an R2:2013 certified, veteran-owned small business providing precious metal refining and electronics recycling services with operations in Amesbury, Massachusetts and Austin, Texas. Management's refining, recycling and reclamation expertise spans 35 years, and includes experience with both U.S. and European facilities.
Drawing upon management's three decades of experience in the refining and electronics recycling industry, M&K offers a unique suite of asset recovery services. Core competencies include reverse logistics, IT asset and electronicwaste disposition, remarketing, electronics recycling, precious metals refining, and data destruction.
M&K is committed to protecting your IT assets. Our proven methods ensure safe and proper disposition of retired equipment. M&K's inventory management system, allows for the strategic management of retired IT assets, whether for re-deployment or disposal. Recycling of IT and electronics involves testing systems and sub-assemblies for refurbishment and re-marketing.
The EPA defines Sustainability as Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.
It is M&K Recovery Group's policy to promote and maintain environmentally responsible practices for the benefit of our customers, employees and communities in which we operate. We will conduct and grow our business in a manner that protects the environment and demonstrates good stewardship of our world's natural resources.
M&K Recovery Group is certified under the R2:2013 Responsible Recycling (R2) standard, recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a comprehensive and outstanding method of assessing best management practices in electronics recycling. The R2:2013 standard ensures that electronics are safely and responsibly recycled.
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