For thousands of years, acupuncture and Oriental Medicine have been used to treat illness and pain. Acupuncture is the balance of Life Energy. When energy is flowing freely there is no illness or pain. Acupuncture is the most natural and safest way to treat most of our annoying aches and pains. At Acupuncture of Greer, you will find a quiet, comfortable atmosphere where you can learn how to help your condition with and without Chinese medicine.
We use several modalities to achieve the results you're looking for. Acupuncture of Greer is located in Greer, SC. We proudly serve Greer, Greenville and surrounding areas in South Carolina. We are devoted to providing natural and safe acupuncture treatments to help treat your aches and pains.
We use several modalities to achieve the results you're looking for. Acupuncture of Greer is located in Greer, SC. We proudly serve Greer, Greenville and surrounding areas in South Carolina. We are devoted to providing natural and safe acupuncture treatments to help treat your aches and pains.
Ruth Kyle, Licensed Acupuncture Physician, is an expert in the field of acupuncture and offers many forms of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) for her clients. Acupuncture is the primary tool of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ruth uses. She is currently the only DAO needle certified practitioner in SC.
Although a Licensed Acupuncture Physician, Ruth Kyle has 27 years of Western Medicine with direct patient care throughout the hospital in many areas. Ruth received a Bachelors and a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine from the National College of Oriental Medicine (Now known as the Florida College of Integrated Medicine.)
Reviews (7)
Lytle Lynch
Apr 23, 2021
Layla Angulo
Dec 25, 2020
I love Ruth! She is both an amazing person as well as acupuncturist. Having my 3rd baby, I went to see her because I was past due. My husband went to her after an arm injury that was visually and physically WAY better after just one treatment! It was incredible. She loves to talk and makes you feel warm and comfortable in her space. She is a genuine person and sincerely wants to help. I highly recommend Greer Acupuncture!!
Cheryl Smith
Jul 15, 2020
Stokes Music Studios
Jun 11, 2019
Karen McAlister
Dec 31, 2018
Erin Baker
Sep 19, 2018
I have been going to Ruth for almost 5 years now for insomnia, general pain, anxiety, and recently detox/ body balance as I lose weight. I find Ruth to be very knowledgeable about both western and eastern medicine (she said she was a respiratory therapist before becoming an acupuncturist). She is very intuitive doesn't just put a few needles in some points, she makes sure she is on the right spot communicating with you the whole time... To me however the reason I will always go to Ruth is that she is honest she will tell you if she cannot "fix" something, she will say okay let's try this instead
Angela Mentink
Aug 01, 2018