Myrick's Cabinet Shop Inc is a workshop with a long tradition of quality carpentry and fine craftsmanship. Since the founding of our company, we have taken great pride in our satisfied customers. We hand-craft our furniture and cabinetry, tailoring each piece to suit your needs, and offering you comprehensive advice along the way.
Backed by many years of experience in woodworking, we offer our customers versatile solutions, helping them from start to finish on every project. There are times when a customer needs a specific piece tailored specifically for their needs. Factory cabinets often lack the personal touches that make them art.
Backed by many years of experience in woodworking, we offer our customers versatile solutions, helping them from start to finish on every project. There are times when a customer needs a specific piece tailored specifically for their needs. Factory cabinets often lack the personal touches that make them art.
Our workshop specializes in traditional carpentry and fine craftsmanship. We craft our furniture and cabinetry by hand with close attention to detail, tailoring each piece to suit your needs and offering you comprehensive advice along the way. Check out our website to learn more and see for yourself the high quality of work we offer.
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