Pine Needle Mountaineering and Pine Needle Drygoods offer great gear for any outdoor adventure. Located in downtown Durango, Colorado, we are the premier outdoor gear store. We offer casual and technical clothing, apparel and shoes, climbing, camping and ski gear from your favorite top brands. Whether you're hiking, trail running, mountaineering, climbing, practicing yoga, camping, backpacking, or skiing, we have the gear for you.
Since 1976, Pine Needle Mountaineering has been serving southwestern Colorado as the premier retailer of quality mountain equipment and apparel for active lifestyles. We specialize in all things skiing, mountaineering, backpacking, camping, hiking, trail running, yoga, climbing, and travel. We have all the gear you need for your next adventure.
Pine Needle Mountaineering offers great gear for any outdoor adventure. As the premier gear store in Durango, Colorado; we carry outdoor gear to support your hiking, trail running, mountaineering, climbing, yoga, camping, backpacking, and skiing needs. We also have a full-service ski shop and master ski boot technicians for your boot and ski tuning needs.
Pine Needle Mountaineering offers stylish, functional, lifestyle and technical apparel for all ages and outdoor activities. From casual wear, to hiking, climbing, trail running, swimming, skiing, mountaineering and more, we have what you need for your daily life and everyday adventures.
We offer wide range of apparel items including rain shells, soft shells, GORE-TEX, goose-down and synthetic insulation, base layers, fleece, flannels, board shorts, swimwear and more.We also have a wide variety of shoes and socks for trail running, approach, hiking, everyday wear, summer sandals and flip-flops.
We offer wide range of apparel items including rain shells, soft shells, GORE-TEX, goose-down and synthetic insulation, base layers, fleece, flannels, board shorts, swimwear and more.We also have a wide variety of shoes and socks for trail running, approach, hiking, everyday wear, summer sandals and flip-flops.
At Pine Needle Mountaineering, we have the camping and lightweight backpacking gear for you. Summer or winter camping trips, we have you covered. Whether you're looking for sleeping bags, sleeping pads, tents of multiple sizes, cooking essentials including camp stoves and camp utensils, local and regional maps, hydration and water filtering systems, we have great products from the most reputable outdoor brands for all of your upcoming trips.
Ropes, harnesses, bouldering pads, quick draws, camming units, carabiners, bolting/anchor hardware, slings and runners, rigging and rappel devices, crag packs, rock shoes, chalk and tape, and much more - we have the climbing gear you're looking for from the most trusted climbing brands. See select climbing gear available to purchase online.
Reviews (13)
Aug 25, 2021
Colorado Wildcrafts
Aug 11, 2021
Jul 27, 2021
Laurel Spangler
Jul 10, 2021
Sarah Friden
May 26, 2021
Respectfully disagree with the previous review on customer service. Visiting from Bellingham, I was super stoked to see them carrying Gretchen Leggitt's artwork and wood-wicked Good & Well Supply Candles (smell like heaven and sound like a campfire). The store rep working that day was very conversational, helpful and engaging. Great place to pick up thoughtful gifts, cards, slaps, you name it. Worth the parking ticket!
Steve Pierson
May 14, 2021
Chris Strouthopoulos
Jan 27, 2021
Lorain aka The Boot Mechanic is truly a world class ski boot fitter and can turn your hard plastic torture chambers into silk slippers. As a pro patroller for Vail/Beaver Creek I thought I experienced some great boot fitting. Having just spent two years living in Europe I experienced excellent boot fitting, seeking help from the most highly regarded shops in St. Anton, Verbier, and Val d'Isere. Lorain's work today bested them all. Truly. Since my foot surgery I've never had ski boots feel as good as mine do now. I'm truly in awe.
Dominique Edgerly
Jan 20, 2021
Over the years I lived in Durango, the staff at Pine Needle have gone out of their way to help me with countless gear needs. As a business they invest in their customers, and partner with other local organizations doing work in both outdoor recreation safety and environmental conservation.
I moved away and they were willing to work with me without question to get a part for a ski binding that was out of warranty and ship it all the way out to Washington! This is a business worth supporting!
I moved away and they were willing to work with me without question to get a part for a ski binding that was out of warranty and ship it all the way out to Washington! This is a business worth supporting!
Gerhardt Ackerman
Nov 09, 2020
Knowledge! every time i stumble in this place I ask a few humble question and have been answered with some life changing knowledge from trail running to back country skiing.
this crew is solid and super knowledgeable.
Drew,soft spoken and simple non BS answers have stuck with me for years and oddly was a huge influence that lead me to ultra running.
with just a few sentences. kinda weird but true.
Duncan man of even fewer words but proves that he is listening has helped dial my AT boots and help steer my in some great gear choices.
knowledge and rad gear is key when running to play in the
this crew is solid and super knowledgeable.
Drew,soft spoken and simple non BS answers have stuck with me for years and oddly was a huge influence that lead me to ultra running.
with just a few sentences. kinda weird but true.
Duncan man of even fewer words but proves that he is listening has helped dial my AT boots and help steer my in some great gear choices.
knowledge and rad gear is key when running to play in the
Greg Wilborn
Aug 02, 2020
Ezmerelda S.
Jul 07, 2015
I'm a local shopper of PNM for 3.5 decades. When I returned my broken Leki poles I learned that I would have to go directly to the dealer myself. It's July, my poles are broken and Leki is in Germany. How many sales and recommendations do you think PNM will get from me? 0. Come on customer service, get it right!
Nicole B.
Jan 01, 2015
This place is absolutely terrible. The prices are outrageous and the owners have terrible customer service. I tried returning pants that were not worn and they wouldn't take them back or even offer me store cradit. Now I'm stuck with pants that don't fit and aren't warm. I would never shop here again.
Lauren C.
May 31, 2013