Our approach is based on utilizing a number of strategies designed to help us reduce market risk. Our main goal is to minimize losses, while taking advantage of the growth and income potential provided thru a broad range of diversified investment products. We believe that diversification across multiple asset classes and risk management strategies can help enhance both performance and wealth protection over a long-term time horizon.
Significant portfolio declines can damage compounded returns over time. In attempting to avoid large losses, we utilize strategies that lower our sensitivity to market risk, during periods of increased volatility. This can be accomplished by increasing our levels of cash, hedging market exposure utilzing inverse ETF's, the use of protective options and/or other strategies designed to adjust to changing market conditions.
Significant portfolio declines can damage compounded returns over time. In attempting to avoid large losses, we utilize strategies that lower our sensitivity to market risk, during periods of increased volatility. This can be accomplished by increasing our levels of cash, hedging market exposure utilzing inverse ETF's, the use of protective options and/or other strategies designed to adjust to changing market conditions.
Trust is paramount, especially when it comes to investment firms and financial services. In 1983, Windham Financial Services, Inc. opened under a core set of values with the underlying desire to become an industry leader in providing fundamental, quantitative and technical research of equity and fixed income markets.
Mr. Mendelsohn has over 30 years experience in the investment industry. He has worked as Manager of Market Planning & Forcasting for the Xerox Corporation in the 1970's, president and head of commodities trading at Gold Standard Refining Corporation in the 1980's and founded Windham Financial Services to provide quantitative, technical and fundamential investment strategies to sophisticated investors in 1983.
We analyze thousands of companies from the bottom up utilizing a fundamental, technical and quantitative perspective. We look at eveything from cash flow to money flow, 1-3 year price targets, earnings growth rates, capital structure, cost of capital versus return on capital, short interest ratios, price cycles and volume trends.
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