BHC does not accept insurance. Fees based on income, ranging from $5 to $95. Call today to arrange a registration appointment to determine your fee, or just pay $95/visit. Bernard Healthcare Center provides quality primary health care with a sliding scale payment system. No insurance required! Our vision is to create a healthier community by improving our patients' health through excellence in meeting their primary health care needs, disease prevention, and wellness promotion in the community.
The Bernard Healthcare Center in Rocky Mount, Virginia, sees adults for primary health care, and provides their prescriptions at a minimal cost to the patient. Call the clinic between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday for an appointment to register. If you bring all required information to register, approval for discounted services can be provided the same day as registered.
Make sure you bring at least two recent paystubs (if you work now), records of any income from any source, and current food stamp award notification. Don't forget to report child support and/or alimony. A: If you live with someone who provides your food and shelter, it may be helpful to bring this person with you to sign a form.
We would be grateful if you could consider a contribution to the operating budget of the clinic or to a special program. For every dollar donated, the Clinic provides over $6 in clinical services. A requirement of the grant is that we assume responsibility for 25% of the NP's salary ($22,000) in 2012, 50% in 2013, and include 100% of it in our budget in 2014 and beyond.
For each dollar saved or donated, the Clinic can provide over $6 worth of services to our patients. We can accomplish a lot with money not spent when a volunteer can provide a paid service. Change is inevitable - yet some things seem never to change. Clearly, there has been an enormous amount of change in the Clinic over the past few years.
The Free Clinic is blessed with a number of caring volunteers. This edition, we are pleased to honor our Board of Directors, President-Nancy Swartz-for her hundreds of devoted volunteer hours. Mrs. Swartz was first elected to the Board in 2014 where she quickly took on the leadership role of Board Treasurer, serving for two terms.