Monterey City Disposal Service
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Monterey City Disposal Service
Many residents and businesses want to do the right thing when it comes to recycling, but it can sometimes be confusing. Many people have questions like, "Do I leave the cap on the water bottle, or am I supposed to take it off?" or "Do I have to separate my glass by color to recycle it?"

Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling has partnered with Salinas Valley and Monterey Peninsula waste haulers, materials recovery facilities, and landfills to develop the "What Goes Where" app for iPhone and Android phone users to try to make decisions about recycling a bit easier.Just download the app and begin using it right away.
If you have just moved into a home or apartment or if you've just started a business within the cities of Gonzales, Greenfield, or Soledad, please establish your new service in person at City Hall. This is also a good time to learn about what can and can't be put in your three color-coded carts or larger commercial dumpsters.
Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling Service (TCDR) provides the highest quality refuse and recycling collection services for the Salinas Valley cities of Gonzales, Greenfield, and Soledad, California. Our mission is to provide quality service while preserving resources and protecting the environment. At TCDR we strive to meet local and global environmental challenges and we take our lead role proudly.
The Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling Service family is made up of many very special people. Our team is our most valuable resource and the main reason for our success. We recognize the unique characteristics and needs of each of the communities we serve. Our family-owned and run operation also understands the pitfalls of larger, out-of-touch, and "one size fits all" operations.
INCLUDED WITH RESIDENTIAL TRASH SERVICE: NOTICE: Large Item Collection, please call 888-678-6798 with questions or to make an appointment. INCLUDED WITH MULTI FAMILY SERVICE: Bulky Item Collection, please call with questions or to make an appointment. Businesses that generate at least four (4) cubic yards of solid waste per week and multi-family properties with five units or more are required to recycle.
The bill codifies the California Air Resources Board's Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy, established pursuant to SB 605 (Lara, Chapter 523, Statutes of 2014), in order to achieve reductions in the statewide emissions of short-lived climate pollutants.

Actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants are essential to address the many impacts of climate change on human health, especially in California's most at-risk communities, and on the environment.Businesses must arrange for organics recycling service and provide interior collection containers.
Reviews (1)
Peter Cortes
Peter Cortes
May 29, 2021
Unfortunately i pay for this service! I just saw the driver drop the containers and he put a notice that he needs 2 foot clearance. I notified him I was not going to pick up the mess he maid!, he said it’s not his job to pick it up! I told him it’s not my fault if the neighbors put their containers close together! I pointed it out to the driver and he just Kept trying to argue! It’s a joke of drivers they hire. It’s been a bad service through out the years I’m really getting fed up with this! It’s time to get the city to get some other service!